WELCOME. My name is Pamela Wampler, MS-LMFT. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in Indianapolis, who works with individuals, couples, and families.
For me, psychotherapy is about healing, growing, unfolding, and becoming. Galway Kinnell eloquently expresses the growth process in his poem "St. Francis and the Sow." He writes:
The bud stands for all things, even for those things that don’t flower, for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing; though sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on its brow of the flower and retell it in words and touch it is lovely until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing....
Flowering from within requires taking responsibilty for your own well-being, growth, and your roles in relationships. It involves learning, taking risks, self-validation and self-confrontation, and the willingness to let go of the familiar (whether thought patterns, ways of expressing oneself, or static views of self and others) and make space for something new. It takes consistent effort (inside and outside of therapy sessions). If you stick with it, you will see results.
In the following pages, you can learn more about my psychotherapy practice: the kinds of clients I see, the problems I address, how I work with individuals and couples, my credentials, and how to contact me.
May you truly flower from within.